داستان آبیدیک

adolescent inmate


1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: زندانی نوجوان

The perception that correctional workers treat some inmates differently than others is a common complaint among adolescent inmates, who are astute observers of situations both in and outside the jail where adults do not "walk the talk." Insensitivity, particularly what is perceived as uncaring attitudes on the part of correctional workers, and corruption within the jail are acutely felt by many adolescent inmates. Indeed, the inmate, and this may be particularly true of the adolescent inmate, not only has a keen sense of what constitutes fair and just reactions to illegal behavior, but what jail should ideally be like. Adolescent inmates often look forward to seeing family and friends in person, but they can also experience considerable uneasiness as a result of their status as prisoners and because of the shame, disappointment, and difficulty they have caused others. Concerns about the future are exacerbated because adolescent inmates are considered adults and face the prospect of incarceration in adult prisons.

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